Want To Race the KOH UTV Race?
Want to race your UTV in the KOH UTV Race?
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help make it happen!
1.Make sure your UTV meets our tech rules and you have proper safety equipment. Classes have been simplified to one UTV class. Please consult the rule book section 8.6 for UTV-4900 rules.
2. Create a driver profile and register to race. You have a couple of options when registering for the race. You can choose whether to commit to signing up for an entire Regional Series as well as KOH or not. If you choose to sign up for a Series as well as KOH, you will receive significant savings throughout the year compared to those who enter race by race. If you already registered to race with ULTRA4 before, please use the same login and request a new password. If you have any questions registering, please email us at info@ultra4racing.com
3. Pay for your race The address to send checks to and online payment options are all available once you have registered online and signed up for the event.
4. Sign up for USAC Insurance All drivers and co-drivers MUST have either annual or single use USAC insurance purchased. Pre-purchasing your USAC insurance online saves tons of time on site. Costs are still being determined and will be emailed to already registered drivers once they are known.
5. Be prepared for additional mandatory costs At KOH there will be additional mandatory costs (including USAC insurance mentioned above) including but not limited to: Yellowbrick trackers, pit crew bands, tech fee (included in an annual USAC membership, or charged separate if not paying for an annual USAC membership). Payment and pricing for these costs will be emailed to you as they are known.
6. Show up and race! See you soon.