Hammerking Begins Off-Road Racing Ambassadors Program
Are you a more than dedicated Off-road racing fan? Are you a racer that does not get to race every time but rarely misses a race? In light of the Ca 200 more volunteers than ever are needed to make sure racing continues on public lands. KOH this year has a staff of over 100 volunteers and an addition contracted staff of about 50 for LEO, security and EMS. Looking over our logistical plan last night we have identified an additional need. Off-road Ambassadors.
We believe it would be very helpful to all forms of Off-road racing if we had a program where spectators with experience could help educate as a Peer rather than as a security officer. The guys that have the radio, the frequency, the knowledge of what’s going on, but don’t want to work at a check point or road crossing all day. People who don’t mind walking up to a group and explaining that they need to move back, or tell them that they are putting a child at risk. The kind of people are required that can operate a race radio, and don’t mind calling the race officials if security, LEO, or EMS is needed if a situation starts to arise.
Race promoters can’t be everywhere at all times. We all know how many people it will take to continue racing, what we don’t currently know is how many people it will take to keep spectators off the race course. It may not be the answer to future problems but it is a start. If you plan on attending the Griffin King of the Hammers race and have a race radio. You are a candidate, Peer pressure is the biggest advantage we have at making sure The BLM lets us continue racing with spectators. I personally would hate to see the desert completely closed to recreation during a race in Johnson Valley like BITD races.
Are you willing to help? All we need is your name and a commitment to promote responsible use of our desert. The ability to report to our race operations the general spectator conditions of a given area. For KOH we have identified 3 major spectator areas. 3 limited spectator areas, and a couple additional trails and areas that are off limits to spectators. Would you like to watch the race in an area that is off limits?
Big Brother? Maybe, but it’s an idea that will help us shape the future of how we manage off-road racing events and worth a shot. Will you participate in the proactive attempt to continue racing on public lands, or react to the closure?
Please contact our Volunteer logistic coordinator Shaun Bootsma if you would like to be an Ambassador to our sport. shaunbootsma@hotmail.com Please include Off-road Ambassador in the subject line of your email.