Exclusive Ticket Access
Available Now For Returning KOH Attendees!
This is a long overdue thank you letter. First, because I haven’t yet conveyed my sincerest gratitude to all of those that came to the 2022 King of the Hammers. For a lot of different reasons, I am most proud of this past year. I honestly believe what made it the best year yet wasn’t that we had 80,000 people in the desert, it was the RIGHT 80,000 people. We showed up, did our thing safely, cleaned up our mess and took a nap. The same core group, (Racers, Fans, Volunteers, Sponsors, Partners, Staff) that have been coming for 5,10,15 years…. The characters with character that have nurtured and grown KOH into what it has become.
Everyone that finds us AFTER this year are consumers, consuming what you have created. This has been a community effort that binds us and empowers us. It allows us to look after one another and teach the new about responsibility for the land. Enjoy making dust or whatever it is you do, clean up our junk and go home safe.
This email has only been sent to email addresses of attendees, volunteers, crew, racers and partners of past King of the Hammers events. You can buy as many tickets as you want, they are transferable, but when we sell out, we sell out.
Those of you who were part of the $25 for Life promotion in the past, your email address is your coupon code. Everyone else here has the same $50 price through October 31.

I am looking forward to seeing each of you on the lakebed in 2023 and for years to come.
I’ve done a lot of talking. I’d like to listen if you want to tell us something.
Dave Cole