Welcome to the New Ultra4Racing.com
Your new source for all things Ultra4 from the King of the Hammers, to the newest Ultra4 Grand Prix will be the number one news outlet for your Unlimited 4 wheel drive information needs. Hammerking Productions will be updating this site (which is still under construction) in anticipation of the 5th running of the Griffin King of the Hammers on a daily basis. Please check back as we anticipate this site moving a little faster than the old KOH site.
You, the Ultra4 member will help drive the site. Please send us your press releases, and related Ultra4 stories build up threads and race reports. Pictures are required with all submittals please make sure you have permission to use them.
Please take a moment to explore the Ultra4racing.com site. You will notice the Ultra4 Grid which is also under construction allows you to search key items such as tires/wheels, lockers, and home town of a given Ultra4 driver. We also have a feature video. Look for that to be updated as content is provided to us. Remember you drive the site so send us your film clips as well.
Please take a moment to look at our partner’s page we hope to build an extensive network for locating the parts you need to build and maintain your Ultra4 car, or 4×4 trail vehicles.
Give us your feedback, help us build your Ultra4 site into the network you need to increase the popularity of this exciting new sport.