Directions to Holley EFI Clash at CrossbarRanch

Address for Ranch and directions

Cross Bar Ranch Rd.

4540 Dolese Rd.

Davis, OK 73030

Please note: this address gives you a viable google maps address. You will need to continue south (straight) 3 miles once you hit this address on Google Maps as Dolese Rd turns into Butterly Rd. Do not turn right onto Dolese Plant Rd. Keep going straight, there will be some residential houses and you will come to a sign that says Cross Bar Ranch. And you will continue 2 miles on gravel to get to the general store.


From Interstate 35, take exit 55, go west 1 mile to Dolese Road. Continue south on Dolese Road 3 miles. The pavement will end at the entrance to Cross Bar Ranch. Continue south on the gravel road and across the water crossing for 2 miles until you arrive at the Cross Bar Ranch General Store where you will need to register and pay your admission fees.